On 3/11/2007 afternoon around 6pm, some things emergency happened on me. On that day, I had decide to watch movie with my friend at the cinema at 5.45pm. So i quickly go home and take a bath then go for dinner at my grandmother's house. When I'm on the way to my grandmother's house, the way was so jam. So I think that I'm still can rush to the movie. The cars go slowly in the jam, and i saw an accident beside the road side. When I'm want to pass by the accident, suddenly two policeman stop my car and at the moment, they come near my car. They said:" Encik, boleh tolong hantar orang yang pengsan ke hospital?". At that time, i answer that:" Encik, Saya ada appointment ." They said:"Dekat saja, tolong hantarkan." And finally I help them. A few man help to raise the girl who faint. After that, i asked the police who will follow me? And the policeman said:" Saya akan buka jalan untuk awak. Sila ikut saya!" At that time, the policeman really help me to open the road for me like DATUK!! All the car also drive to the side and let me go although in the jam and all the cars also need let me to go first. At that time I feel like so happy because have a police drive in front of me to help me to open all the road but I also feel scare because i scare that the girl behind of my car will suddenly wake up and be crazy. But thank God that we reached the Hospital Seremban safely. When we reach, the girl wake up and she don't want to go down from my car, and she look like want to vomit. But finally I asked the staff in the Hospital help to carry out her from my car because it was 6.30pm. The policeman said a lot of time thank you to me. One things that will fell funny is have one man with motor follow us until the hospital and I though that he is the girl's friend.I asked him can you just ask your friend just come down from my car but he answered me that he not her friend. Then I asked him who are you? He answer that I'm the person who bump the girl. At that time I really fell so funny. Finally the girl send into the hospital and I also leave and rush to the cinema.
This is my first experience to face this kind of situation. I feel happy after I help this. Can let me learn that, when people need help and I willing to help so we shall help them without any reasons. Thank God that let me have a chance to help people. In Bible Proverbs3:27 "Do not without good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them"